POST-STRUCTURALISM ~under postmodernism’s broadest wings~ stands as eminent as it is nebulous: a singular school of thought?, or a diversity of schools? that come after (born from?, mere critique of?) cross-disciplinary Structuralism?; is it a set of principles &/or methodologies from diverse fields merged into a solidified system?; a movement itself? or a way of doing philosophy in the late 20th to 21st c.? The many works & thinkers variously called post-structuralist cross historical & disciplinary boundaries & synthesize materials & methodologies from anthropology to linguistics, politics to poetics, psychoanalysis to philosophy proper, from metaphysics to ontology, epistemology to ethics & aesthetics. The only seeming unity being their holistic eclectic-ness, discernment of the flux amidst structural rigidities, promotions of becoming, & emphases on rethinking the nature of knowledge & constitution of meaning, all reignited by fresh methodologies, kindled with interdisciplinary material, and blaze in new voices with new urgencies.
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a way into thinking post-structuralism & postmodernism is by thinking around the history & idea of marginalia, the writings in texts around the margins of the text's text ... |