“I presented my arguments against these men [the Manicheans] … it was impossible to bring up the authority of Sacred Writ in opposition to such perversion … By means of irrefutable argumentation (which I actually accomplished without direct appeal to the truth of any part of the Holy Writ) I showed that God should be praised for all things, and that there are no grounds at all for their belief that there exists two co-eternal natures, one good, one evil …” --Augustine, De dono perseverantiae 6. |
“[Augustine:] … do you think there is anything more excellent than a rational and wise mind? [Evodius answers:] Nothing, I think, except God. [Augustine:] This is my opinion too. But though we accept this with the strongest faith, understanding it is a very difficult matter ..."
--Augustine, On Free Choice of the Will. |
The temporal law commands: the BODY (with its goods, i.e. its health, senses, strength, and beauty), FREEDOM (not true freedom for those happy under eternal law, but the freedom accorded to those under temporal law who think they are free because they have no immediate master), FAMILY, STATE (the state itself, which is regarded like the parent of a large family), HONORS (including praise and popular favor), and finally, POSSESSIONS (things we own and can sell or give away) (I, 15, p.25). Temporal law is mainly about distributive justice, but does not need a long discussion here. The POWER of the Temporal Law is to take away these temporal things as punishment; it maintains order through FEAR (which establishes moderation), and it changes as the people it rules change. Thus, punishment is ONLY punishment if people have an inordinate love for what could be taken away from them. People can make good use or evil use of temporal things. The evil ones get entangled with things and the good use them rightly without getting caught up in them. So, do not blame the woman because of the existence of adulterers, the wine b/c of drunks, the food b/c gluttons; it’s not the things but people who make evil use of them. |
A person who wills to live rightly loves eternal things in consistency with eternal law. So happiness and eternal things go together. Eternal law commands us to turn away from temporal things. External goods and temporal goods are good if they are means not ends. As we learned in chapter six, Eternal Law is also known as “Highest Reason;” it is “impressed on our minds;” “… it is that law by which it is just that everything be ordered in the highest degree” (I, 6, p.11). Cannot be changed, ought always to be obeyed, it is that through which evil people deserve a wretched life and the good people deserve and receive a good life (I, 14, p.23). |